How To Live By The Seasons According To A Naturopath | LUX NOMADE

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How To Live By The Seasons And Thrive According To A Naturopath

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How To Live By The Seasons & Thrive According To A Naturopath

Lauren Jane is a clinical naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist, and the founder of Kiyah Wellness. In this article, she explains how we can thrive by living more in tune with the four seasons to improve our wellness and well-being. 

We live in a world governed by the phases of the moon, the change of the seasons, and the ebb and flow of the tides. As individuals, our lives are intricately woven into this fabric of nature and are influenced too by the cycles of menstruation.

In modern culture, we’ve become disconnected from these rhythms; chasing an eternal summer of year-round warmth and an unyielding pursuit of success. We shop at grocery stores that supply fruits and vegetables imported from every corner of the globe, irrespective of the season. We’ve moved away from our roots which was once a more intuitive way of life, connected to the earth.

SUMMER – Embrace Vitality

Summer marks its arrival with flowers in bloom and the buzz of cicadas. Longer days and warmer nights fuel us with the energy and capacity to socialize, enjoy the outdoors and stay up later. Our bodies tolerate cooling foods so enjoy fruits, salads, smoothies, juices, raw veggies and herbs like dill, coriander, aloe vera, peppermint and chamomile. It’s also time to ferment so stock up on coconut water kefir and sauerkraut. When it comes to exercise your muscles are warm so embrace more intense exercise in the cooler hours. Try swimming, hiking, running, CrossFit or a vinyasa flow. Cold therapy and ice baths are in!

AUTUMN – Embrace Transition

As Summer fades to Autumn, it’s natural to feel the gregarious energy turn inward. Finish off any projects and carve out some space to be present in nature. Home-cooked meals are in order. Chew slowly and include warmer dishes like stewed apples and pears. Try making your own Elderberry syrup and medicinal mushroom tea. Licorice, Marshmallow root, Yarrow and Mullein support lung health and boost immunity for the coming Winter. It’s normal to miss a few days of exercise as mornings become cooler. Swap runs for walks and solo weight training over competitive sports to honour the slightly slower pace of Autumn.

WINTER – Embrace Stillness

Winter encourages reflection and hibernation. Shorter days and colder temperatures lead to a slower pace of life. It’s OK to sleep, rest and eat more. Our digestive fire is high so avoid raw food and enjoy slow-cooked meals, bone broths, root vegetables, soups, roasts and porridges. Heavier dinners can help with sleep. Your muscles are colder so training may feel tough. Listen to your body and give yourself some grace here. It’s a period of self-care so include meditation, tai chi, saunas and yin yoga. Herbal teas and meals with ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric are perfect.

SPRING – Embrace Renewal

As we emerge from winter, spring brings a time of renewal and rebirth. Energy levels rise with the warming days and it’s the perfect time to plant seeds of intention or set in motion new projects. Start to include lighter meals, some raw foods, more spices and stronger flavours. Bitter veggies like broccoli, cabbage, kale, beetroot, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are in season. These are great for digestion and liver health. As days warm up, exercise a little more intensely. Head outdoors for a jog, brisk walk, or ocean swim. Use plant medicine to spring-clean your body.! Nettle, Milk thistle, Globe artichoke and Dandelion root prepare you for the Summer indulgence.

Living in Harmony

By aligning our lifestyle with the changing seasons, we can experience more vitality. Simple adjustments in diet, exercise, and mindset allow us to flow with the natural rhythms of life. When we heed our body’s signals and embrace the essence of each season, we’re more likely to thrive in the next and avoid the disharmony that yields ill health.

For more information visit

Lauren Jane


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