Tantric meditation guide for Valentine's Day | LUX NOMADE

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Meditation expert shares tantric meditation guide for Valentine’s Day

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Meditation expert shares tantric meditation guide to enhance intimacy this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a great time to reignite romance and focus on improving your relationship with your partner. To reignite that spark in your relationship, Meditation and mindfulness expert Soelae Riley has shared her three-step tantric meditation guide designed to enhance love and intimacy for couples in time for Valentine’s Day.

As an experienced meditation teacher and trained tantra practitioner, Soelae knows that meditation is beneficial for any relationship, to reduce stress and regulate emotions to enhance harmony and connection.

“In many relationships in the initial stages of meeting and falling in love, there is lots of love, energy and intimacy. Then, after a period of time we see many couples lose the fire and intimacy,” says Soelae.

“Cultivating love, intimacy, and union is an ongoing process. – Meditation and mindfulness expert Soelae Riley

“The Hite Report (a national study of female sexuality’ by Shere Hite) states that eighty-five per cent of partners say that after two years of being in a relationship or marriage, they love their partner but they are no longer ‘in love’ with them.”

“Some people think: ‘Well that’s natural, that’s what happens’. This can be true unless couples consciously choose to continue to create love and passion in their relationships.”

“Cultivating love, intimacy, and union is an ongoing process. But if you nurture your relationship, your relationship grows closer, your love grows deeper and sex even gets better,” adds Soelae.

Tantric meditation – a three-step guide

As a meditation teacher and trained tantra practitioner, I am going to share with you a beautiful (pg. rated) tantric meditation to enhance Intimacy.

This meditation has three stages; Breath, visualisation and connection. Set up:

  • Put aside time where you will be uninterrupted for 10 -20 minutes
  • Set the space so it feels nice and intimate
  • Position – sit opposite each other close enough so your knees touch. Sit crossed-legged and use cushions to be comfortable. If sitting on the floor is uncomfortable you can have two chairs face each other close enough so your knees touch.
  • Decide you will be the timekeeper to move through each stage.

The process:

Breathe together: (5 -7 min)

Close your eyes and start with three x cleansing breaths to settle into the meditation. Breathe in with a long, deep breath through the nose and then sigh as you breathe out through the mouth – aah! Use the breath to let go of any tension in the body.

Now, for the next 5 minutes or so, continue to breathe together, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth (without the sigh) just long, slow deep breaths in and out. This is a harmonizing breath practice. If you can tune into your partner’s breath, that’s great but if not, just notice your energy and start to settle and harmonise with your partner.

Visualisation: (2 – 5 min)

Keeping your eyes closed, coming now to your natural breath in and out through the nose, bring your attention to feelings of love, admiration, appreciation, gratitude, and desire that you feel for the person sitting opposite you. You may visualise these things or simply feel them in your heart.

Now, you can imagine you are sending this energy from your heart to theirs with each out-breath, and you are receiving their energy with each inhale.

Connection: (2 – 5 min)

Now, this is where you feel your intimacy expand, with gentle eye-gazing.

When we open our eyes it often feels quite awkward at first – to be totally present as a fully-opened, loving, passionate human being and allow that to be seen by a partner.

Open your eyes, and with a gentle gaze look into each other’s eyes. Continue with long-depth natural breaths through the nose. You may wish to reach out and hold each other’s hands, and you continue here for a few minutes. This is not a staring competition, it’s a gentle loving gaze into each other’s eyes, feeling love, connection and desire. If it feels uncomfortable you can close your eyes for a few moments and then open them again. Laughter may come up, or tears, this is all part of the body’s response to being ‘fully seen’ and experiencing true presence and connection.

To complete the meditation you may simply give each other a hug, or thank each other for the time spent together.

Without actively nurturing the relationship, feelings of love and intimacy can quickly become distant and fade away. This tantric meditation is a great practice to have in your toolbox of love. Enjoy!

For more information visit www.soelae.com

Soelae Riley
Soelae Riley is a meditation & mindfulness teacher, speaker, and corporate wellness facilitator. Studying and teaching for over two decades, Soelae has run meditation and wellness retreats all over the world, teaching hundreds of people how to meditate. Introduced to meditation, yoga and personal development work from a very young age, Soelaes’ approach is simple: to make meditation and well-being accessible and adaptable to our fast-paced modern lives. Residing in Byron Bay, Soelae offers group meditation courses and works with companies all over the country to create bespoke wellness and mindfulness programs to prevent burnout and inspire peak performance. Through meditation, Soelae aims to empower people to connect to the essence of who they are, experience greater mental clarity, and ultimately access inner peace.


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