Are you an empath? What it means and how to make the most of it

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Are you an empath? What it means and how to make the most of it

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Are you an empath? What it means and how to make the most of it

Did you know there’s an entire spectrum of empathy? From one far end of no empathy (psychopaths), all the way through to high empathy (empaths). Along the spectrum of empathy, you’ll find narcissists, the layperson and highly sensitive people too.

Empathy is the ability to understand another’s feelings, but an empath goes far beyond that. An empath can literally feel what another person is feeling. They are highly intuitive and will feel others emotions as their own.

Empaths are highly sensitive. From sounds to smells, even to lights, all these things can easily overwhelm them. Something as simple as going to a shopping centre can leave an empath drained and exhausted.

Empaths absorb others’ emotions. They are highly attuned to others emotions and feel others as their own. They can speak to someone who’s having a hard time and feel their pain as their own for the rest of the day.

Empaths regularly need to isolate themselves. They love being alone because it allows them to fully recharge after being in an overwhelming situation.

If you find yourself retreating for some alone time after every interaction to recharge, it could be more than a case of introversion. Whilst introverts get drained being around people, empaths feel other people’s emotions as well.

Most empaths I come across feel overwhelmed, tired and sick of being oversensitive. Very few empaths know how to work with their gift. They feel drained, they crave sweet foods, they isolate themselves all to deal with what they’re feeling. They often also attract draining relationships and have low self-worth.

But, being an empath is a gift. I believe that it is in fact a psychic gift, and when you learn to work with it, it can add so much value to your life.

Are you an empath

When an empath learns to embrace being an empath they are able to:

  • Trust their gut to make the right decisions
  • Intuitively pick up red flags in potential relationships
  • Have incredibly deep and nourishing partnerships
  • Thrive in caregiving jobs such as counselling or nursing.

Here are the best tools to start embracing being an empath:

  1. Accept your capacity
    Accept that you are in fact an empath and understand your limitations. Whilst someone might be fine to socialise for hours straight, it might be too much for you. Start noticing the triggers, it might be certain people, situations or places. Ask yourself after each interaction, did this give me energy or drain my energy?
  1. Work with your energy daily
    Energetically speaking when we clairvoyantly observe an empath’s auric field, they’re far more open than a non-empath.
    Take a moment before you go out into the world to close your eyes, tune into your aura and visualise it coming in towards you until it’s a metre radius around you in all directions. Then you can visualise a golden light over it. This will allow you not to take on so much of others’ energies.
  1. Release what’s not yours.
    Recognise you will never be able to fully block out people’s emotions and energies, that’s okay. What you need to do is learn to release them.

When you start to feel an emotion, ask yourself: Is this mine or someone else’s?

Think of being an empath like breathing. You don’t breathe in air and then hold it in. You let go.

It’s the same with other emotions, we feel it, and we can release it.

As you feel something that’s not yours, thank your body for identifying what someone else is dealing with, and tell yourself to release it. Simply visualise it being released out like your breath and feel the relief that comes with that.

  1. Cleanse your energy daily.
    Have time set aside every day when you come home to clear your energy.
    The second you get home, take a moment to visualise light coming down over your body, washing everything away, you can even do this in the shower!
  1. Ground yourself every day.

Take a moment to stand on the earth daily and visualise the earth’s energy coming up into your body and cleansing anything that’s not yours. This will also strengthen your aura.

Remember being an empath is a gift. It’s about learning to create energetic boundaries as well as emotional boundaries, and through that, you can use your empath abilities to enrich your life.

Athina Bailey
Athina is a Kinesiologist, Trance Channeller, Clairvoyant, Spiritual Teacher & Energy Expert who helps intuitive women up level in their life & business. Passionate about helping others connect with their own spiritual abilities & reawaken their soul purpose, Athina runs multiple programs & courses to inspire others to harness their special gifts, as well as her Channelling Spirit Academy, which is hosted bi-annually & available to souls around the world. For more information on Athina & her work, visit:, & follow on Instagram: @starseed_awakening. 


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