The Strawberry Moon: how to support yourself during this time

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The Strawberry Moon (24 June): how to support yourself during this time

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The Strawberry Moon is a great time to evaluate your goals and intentions

The Strawberry Moon on the 24th of June will be the final Supermoon of the year and is named for the wild, ripe, and bountiful strawberry harvest.

Strawberries are considered a food of love, representative of the goddess Freya, and they symbolize love and luck. June’s Strawberry Moon spiritual meaning embodies the magic and fullness of life. This is the best moment to make difficult decisions or to face responsibilities you’ve been avoiding. Start fresh and dive deep into personal growth!

However, a Supermoon occurring straight after the Summer Solstice (21st of June) and Mercury ending Retrograde (22nd of June), will inevitably cause a cavalcade of emotions, exhaustion, and increased levels of anxiety.

Eager to find out how best to combat the emotional effects of this full moon, we spoke exclusively to Inbaal, renowned Psychic and Wellness Advocate, from who provided three top tips on how to support yourself during this Strawberry Moon. And, remember to pace yourself, don’t burn yourself out in your excitement and enthusiasm. Evaluate your goals and intentions to make sure they are realistic and achievable.

The Strawberry Moon

Rest and fuel your body

Full moons are known to be psychically and mentally draining, so no matter your sleep schedule, we all will be feeling exhausted. Take some time across the next three days of the full moon to be totally still. Sit or lay motionless for at least ten minutes – and do nothing. Don’t scroll, don’t speak, don’t even meditate. Just be aware that your body isn’t moving. This is when healing happens.

Another way to combat the side effects of enlightenment caused by a full moon is to make a point of nourishing yourself, so that you have the strength to stay on top of things. Focus on incorporating fresh, raw, vegetarian ingredients into your diet over this time.

The Strawberry Moon

Be at one with nature

There is nothing more calming than the natural world and at a time when our emotions are running wild, stopping for a minute and enjoying the surroundings of a natural space will be nothing but positive. Stare at the moon, go on a walk or go for a swim at a time where bodies of water are at their peak energy.

The Strawberry Moon

Engage with your spirituality

Once you can resign yourself to the healing properties of a full moon you can control and channel these stirring emotions correctly. Writing, something largely believed to be inspired by the moon, is the perfect way to express and stabilise your thoughts and creativity.

This is a perfect time to charge your crystals because of the moon’s intense spiritual energy. Take every full moon as an opportunity to charge and cleanse your tools.

The full moon’s healing properties offer a time to accept and forgive. To embody your forgiveness, write transgressions on small bits of paper and cast them into running water, or burn them safely in a fireproof dish under a full moon.

Lux Nomade is the wellness and travel publication where today’s modern woman goes to be inspired, learn and explore.


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